API Server
This page contains information about private APIs developed and being developed for Web/Mobile applications to access data from DB server via API server.
Development Information
Development Platform
Node.js 6.x
Nodejs Framework
Current Development Version
Database connection
Deployment Information
API Request Manager
Load Balancer
API Server Ram
2 Gb
API Server Instances
OS & Version
Ubuntu 16.04 (Linux)
Web Server
Node.js Web Server
Rest APIs
All Private REST APIs are secured by OAuth 2.0 Authentication method on expiry time of 7 day. Here are all the response code and response data explained:
Response Code
Response Data will be in JSON Object firm or JSON Array.
Token failed, token not present in api request.
BAD Request
Bad server request, issue in URL, or bad config request
New Object creation successful
Internal Server Error
Server side errors. should be fixed by developer team on priority.
All the possible private APIs are mentioned below :
Auth API
For new users to signup and login to oizom API server, "login", "signup" & "register" APIs are written over there.
Users API
3 types of APIs (GET, PUT, DELETE) of users to fetch users data, to edit certain data and to delete some user's information.
Organisation API
All types of REST APIs for organizational information to store and access from Database server
Devices API
Certain users from particular organization can register for allowed/purchased device. So to register and edit information for those devices these APIs can be used.
Fields API
Devices gas parameters do come in fkey perspective in respective devices' data payloads. To access those fields these APIs can be used.
Limits API
Every pollutant has it's range or limits from which one can determine is current pollutant status in air is good or satisfactory or moderate or poor or very poor or severe. Limits APIs gives access to those ranges.
Configurations API
To access devices configurations according to current time, these APIs can be used.
Roles API
Name suggests that these apis can be used to manage roles of different users as per their permissions and roles.
Reports API
Oizom allows users to subscribe to daily/weekly/monthly reports on certain devices. So to subscribe itself, user can use these apis.
Units API
Every Pollutants has it's own unit it gives data in form of. To access such information Units APIs can be used.
Device Types API
Device's category and configurations can be different, such information can be contained or accessed by these APIs by defining/editing devicetypes.
Limit Types API
As Devices may have different configurations and categories, limits can be different according to device's location. These APIs can be used to access such data.
Last updated