Development Info

Contributors: Anand Kacha, Mrugesh Modi, Jimish Parekh, Rutuja Shah

Current Development Platform: macOS Sierra 10.12.3 | Ubuntu 16.04 | Windows 10

Environment dependencies




Javascript Engine


Package manager for Node.js


Main Libraries and Frameworks




Core Framework


Design Framework


Build Framework


Testing Frameworks

Jasime, Karma

2.5.38 | 1.2.0

Websocket Library


Preferred IDE

1.10.2 | 2017.3

Supporting Libraries




Asynchronous Programming


Date and Time Formatting


Progress bars






Utility Library


Full Screen


Copy Clipboard


Download file


\ Module/Library is delivered by Content Delivery Network and is updated real-time*





Github Gist

Internal module design to use Google Charts in Angular 2 app

Server Dependencies

Oizom web application uses Oizom API standards to communicate to Oizom server for the information displayed throughout the application. Every single API call requires authentication token in the header for privileged access. API documentation is maintained in github wiki.

The application displays real-time information fetched from Oizom server. The server for the real-time data is deployed separately from API server. Every single connection request requires authentication token in handshake options for privileged access. Documentation for different namespaces will be released soon.

Setup Local Environment

Pre-requisites for getting started:

  1. Node.js (version 7.4.0 or higher)

  2. Npm (version 4.0.5 or higher)

  3. Angular CLI (1.5.0 or higher)

  4. Angular 2+

  5. Angular Material 2

Install Angular CLI globally in node to use the commands globally for production. Run npm install -g angular-cli to install it globally. For Mac users, run it with sudo command. For Windows users, run the terminal with administrator privileges. To install any new dependency, make sure you apply --save option so that it saves the dependency to package.json

The angular server is configured by Angular CLI. It is run by passing Angular CLI commands only. To start the application in debug mode, run npm start command in your command line shell. The server will start at 4200 port. After starting the server, navigate to localhost:4200 in your browser. Any change you make on the application source code, it is tracked real-time and the application is updated automatically.

Running the application in production is dangerous before the application is not fully tested. After full testing of the application, run ng build --prod command in the shell. It will generate a new directory named “dist/” which is used for deployment on a server.

For servers in Apache Environment, Copy the “dist/” directory to httpdocs or server’s root directory to make the final application run on your desired host.

For servers written in Node.js, copy the “dist/” directory to server directory where you have saved “server.js”. Send the index.html page located in “dist/” to the client.

Issue Tracking and Contribution

All the issues are tracked in GitHub repository only. Click here to track or submit new issues in the repository. Adding unnecessary issues will slow down the development process, please look up the existing issues before you submit a new one.

We are using Gridle to maintain communications among the contributors. If you want to be one, mail Sohil OR Mrugesh OR Nayan to request access. We follow style guide provided by Angular 2+ developers and experts.

Last updated