Oizom Wiki
Welcome to the Oizom world!
Oizom Instruments Pvt Ltd. is an environmental big data company working in clean-tech products with IoT Technology. Oizom Instruments analyses the quality and usage of natural resources like air. By evolving with the technology, it aspires to set a class apart in its measurement accuracies and precision. Through an ecosystem of products, Oizom Instruments aims to make the environment understandable and predictable.
Polludrone Development
Polludrone is an ambient air quialty monitoring device. There are differnt versions of polludrone, we have created.
Initial product concept based on modular design.
Basic version of Polludrone as "Environmental Monitoring Kit (EMK)"
Stand alone solar Powered ambient air quality monitor.
New Design is sleek, compact and effective. It is a multipurpose design which can be used in both outdoor and indoor applications.
Oizom terminal
Oizom team has built software solution to access data & needful information. Below is the documentation one needs to understand brief about all it's aspects.
Back End Application
This section contains information about Oizom Database and APIs. To access data from Oizom terminal or mobile applicaiton or any third party clients, REST APIs are necessary. Those APIs are secured with certain authentication protocol and DB server can not be accessed without certain credentials and certain IP addresses.
Server Resources
We have hosted our DB Servers, API servers, Front-end application servers and different load balancers on virtual machines of Amazon Web Services. Detailed information about those instances and servers is availabe on respective wiki page.
R&D Developments
Apart from our flagship device Polludrone, we have parallelly worked on other R&D Products/developments as per different criteria and needs. All developments are mentioned in detail over here.
AQI Calculation : http://cpcb.nic.in/FINAL-REPORT_AQI_.pdf
Last updated